Job Ready Services – Definitions

Employment Testing, Fit-For-Duty, Functional Capacity Evaluation, Job Analysis, Miscellaneous, Return to Work, Safety, Work Conditioning, Workers Compensation, Workplace Safety

It came to our attention recently that we use quite a few acronyms and abbreviations here at Job Ready Services so we thought we would clear up any confusion and spell things out for you. Here is a list of definitions to the terms that we most often use at Job Ready.


ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act is a law that forbids the unfairness against people with disabilities in all areas of public life. (

EEOC – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the agency that enforces the laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetic information. (

OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration is an organization that ensures safe and healthy working conditions for Americans by enforcing standards and providing workplace safety training. (

NIOSH – National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is the agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for prevention of work-related injury and illness. (

FCE – A Functional Capacity Evaluation is a three to four-hour testing process that provides a snapshot of what a person can do at that time. It looks at things like flexibility, strength, endurance, dynamic material handling, repetitive activities and consistency of effort.

MMI – Maximum Medical Improvement is a term used to define the point at which an injured worker reaches a state where their condition cannot be improved any further or it could also mean that a treatment plateau in a person’s healing process is reached. (

RTW – Return to Work is a comprehensive program combining transitional duties and company policy so that an injured employee can return to work as soon as they are able to perform meaningful and productive work in any capacity.

SAW – Stay at work comprehensive program combines use of modified/transitional duties and company policy so that an injured employee stays at work when medically stable versus being out of work.

FFD – Fit for Duty testing is functional testing for existing employees to determine if they are capable of performing their regular job safely or if modifications are needed. Also called Return to Work Testing (RTW testing) or post injury.

IW – Injured Worker in the workers’ compensation system.

WC – Work Conditioning is a daily physical program that focuses on job specific activities that encompass the area of injury as well as the whole body and reconditions the injured worker in order to return them to work safely.

POET – Post Offer Employment Testing is used to determine whether an individual is physically capable of performing job specific duties for which they are being hired and to proactively minimize the risk of injury.

JA – Job Analysis provides a full understanding of the physical nature of a particular job to allow an employer to identify the best person for that job. Job analysis examines the tasks performed in a job, the competencies required to perform those tasks, and the connection between the tasks and the competencies. Information from a job analysis can be used to determine job requirement, training needs, and position classification.

If you would like more information about what Job Ready Services does or how we can save your business money, feel free to give us a call at 919-256-1400 or send us an email here.